Thursday, January 24, 2008

A BLOG For Coach Jones

For many, there is a need to let Coach know that you are thinking about him and praying for his recovery.

At this time, his friends at Kellam are setting up this blog to allow that outpouring of support. Hopefully, in a short time, Coach himself will take over the blog and let you know how he is doing.

Until then, we will try to keep you updated.

Here's the text of the Pilot article:

By Jami Frankenberry
The Virginian-Pilot
© January 23, 2008

Kellam baseball coach St. Clair Jones remained hospitalized today, a day after being involved in an automobile accident.

Jones’ car apparently hit a tree during icy road conditions Tuesday morning, and he was taken to Sentara Norfolk General Hospital, said Kathleen O’Hara, assistant superintendent for media and communications for Virginia Beach Public Schools.

Jim Moxey, Kellam’s athletic director, said Jones suffered fractured vertebrae in his lower back and had some spinal cord damage. Jones underwent surgery late Tuesday night “to get everything lined back up,” Moxey said, adding that more will be known about Jones’ spinal cord damage once the swelling goes down.

Moxey visited Jones early today and said dozens of others were lined up, too.

“He’s the same old Coach St. Clair Jones, cracking jokes,” Moxey said. “He’s in very high spirits.”

Jones, a special education teacher, has coached the Knights for the past seven seasons.

“As far as I’m concerned, St. Clair Jones is our baseball coach until he tells me otherwise,” Moxey said. “With what he’s capable of doing, he’s going to have some limitations, but he will be involved with the program as much as he possibly can be.”

And the original comments from the Pilot:

Best of luck coach!
Submitted by KennyW on Wed, 01/23/2008 at 8:12 pm.
I heard about your accident Tuesday morning from a friend who received an email from another friend before any articles were published. The email briefly described the accident and asked for prayers for your recovery. I looked for an article all day afer the ice storms and didn't find an article until this morning.
God bless you coach, and here's to a comfortable and complete recovery.

Best Wishes for a Speedy Recovery
Submitted by Earl on Wed, 01/23/2008 at 8:11 pm.
St. Clair,
I'm not sure if you remember me but we went to Hickory Elementary together years ago. I have followed your career as Kellam's baseball coach in the newspaper and have been very impressed with your accomplishments. From what I remember of you as a kid and from what I've read more recently, I know you can pull through this. Hang in there and best wishes for a full recovery.
Earl Sorey

God's speed for a full recovery my friend.
Submitted by rickf99373 on Wed, 01/23/2008 at 2:44 pm.
Keep your eyes on the ball and swing for the fences. You're to strong to let this derail anything in your life. God's speed for a full recovery my friend. All your friends are praying for you. GBHS 88


Unknown said...

A fund has been established for Coach at Wachovia Bank. Donations can be made at any branch or mailed to Wachovia, 1804 Princess Anne road, Virginia Beach, VA 23456, St.Clair Jones Charitable account.

Keep praying for Coach.

Bargnesi Family said...

Please keep Coach Jones in your thoughts and prayers. The power of prayer goes a long way.

Coach Worst said...

Coach Jones ,
I came by today to give you a big hug and tell you i love you. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I will see you on the Baseball field.
Coach Worst

Shannon said...





sommer said...

Coach Jones,
My thoughts and prayers are with you ! I miss you at school. Get better, thank you for showing your dedication to the team and everybody. You are a very good role model !

Sommer Di Fulgo

Morgan said...

Coach Jones,
Our thoughts and prayers are with you always, we miss you around school & can't wait for you to get back & in action.
You are such an amazing role model to our boys, and the rest of the school.

We love and miss you!

Girl's JV Basketball

VBPD said...

St. Clair Jones,
I heard about you from a good friend of mine Tony V. and I hear that your a very good and funny teacher at Kellam High School and Tony tells me you are interrested in the feild of law Enforcement and he wanted me to wish you the best of luck. And we are both going to try to come up there and visit you.

Chief A.M. Jacocks

dannyb said...

coach jones,
i know me and you might have left off at the wrong foot last time we talked but i just wanted to let you know that if it wasnt for you i would have never tried so hard to bring up my gpa but you made me stride for it because you had faith in me... But i just wanted to let you know that my prayers are here for you and i have faith in you that you will have a 100 percent recovery and you will be on the baseball field by the time the season starts so may god be with you..I love you as a coach and as a role model

eric said...

hey coach i miss u at skool.
i hope u get better.
when i pray i will be thinking of u and telling god 2 make u better
hey one more thing coach
u werent just a coach to me u were a friend who i could talk to
i love u coach
eric laufer

KHSBBALL20 said...

Coach Jones,
I heard that you are still in good spirits. Your kellam family is missing you much not being able to see you in the halls and on the field. The varsity boys basketball team will pray for you before every game and we hope you can bless up with your strength to play a hard game. Get well soon coach can't wait to see you coach us to a state title!!!

Mike Bew


Hey Coach Jones,
You have no idea how much your absence has affected us both. You have such a positive impact on us. Your charismatic jokes and contagious smile brighten our days both in school and at practice. You are a strong individual and we know you will make a full recovery soon. You are in our thoughts and prayers all the time. We miss our live radio! Practice just isn't the same without you! We'll give you the 411 on the Bayside game when we see you, which will be soon. See you then!

<3 Ashley & Amber

BTRipp said...

how are you Coach Jones! i dnt think you know me sir, but i do kno you. My name is Brandon Tripp and i am a student athelete at landstown high school, and i just want to wish you the best! it may seem odd that someone like me goin to my school would do this, but you sir getting healthy and back on your feet for us ALL much more important! i jus wanted to tell you, that i have told my family about your situation, and we are praying that you will be ok. indeed i do believe you will be sir. i have herd from my friends of how a wonderful person you are, and how a wonderful coach you are..i for one dnt doubt that at all sir. everyone tells me how you light up a room when you are in i just wanted to let you know that you have my prayers, and warm embrace inside. wish you the best coach jones! take care and god bless!

A friend,

Brandon Tripp

Anonymous said...


You have been the driving force in my life for the last 7 years. Always pushing me to be better and to reach my goals in life. You have always believed in me even when I doubted myself. That which only a best friend can do. I know that you will be alright and keep the spirits up for everyone. I look forward to our trip to chilis and the plan that we have been talking about for the last month.


thetruth88 said...

Wanted to let you know you're in my prayers and I know that you'll be on that diamond in no time.Heres to a 100% recovery Coach and look forward to seein you soon.

-Mike Belkov

tmilton said...

Coach -
You are a wonderful role model not only for the entire baseball team and school but also mostly for my son! You have been there for him for the last 4 years and I cannot begin to tell you how much you mean to our family and me! Thank you for your dedication not only on the baseball field but off as well! You are a true man of integrity. We are praying for you daily - Philippians 4:13 says: "I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength!" Hold on to Him and he will give you all the strength you need! We are here for you - no matter what!! We love you and God Bless you!!!
Steve and Tawney Milton

Lambert said...

St. If there is anyone that can succeed it is you!! Keep your chin up and remember that there is a whole community rooting for you. God Bless and Get better!! Connor said that you need to get well quick because there is no other Coach like Coach Jones!! Love you!

BeckyH said...

Hey Coach! It was great to see you and get a big hug. I'll be ready for our early morning talks soon, and I'll have the coffee and cookies. Love you lots! Becky

Batter up!

jstabora said...

Just wanted to let you know that you are in the Tabora Family's thoughts and prayers. We know that you are a fighter and will get through this trying time. We look forward in seeing you on the baseball field in the upcoming season.

A.DeMay said...

coach jones !

well me and maka miss you very much gettin songs stuck in our heads and makin us laugh your a real great teacher and a real great friend ! we miss and love you

amanda demay

Mike & Rach said...

Coach Jones,

Rachel and I were saddened by the news of your accident but were glad to hear that you were in good spirits and had a positive outlook on the future and the recovery process ahead of you. Sorry we can't be there in person to provide our support but we want you to know that you are in our prayers and we wish you a full and speedy recovery.

Mike & Rachel

m.raquelx said...


i hope you like the cookies =].
it was nice to finally see you again after exams and everything.
hopefully sometime soon we'll see you back in class messing with dearborn.
well im not sure but my parents agreed to take me to visit you again pretty soon.
im stoked. westton was supposed to come with me but things happen and he couldn't, but he says hi. i ran into tony v. on friday and he was talking about visiting you with the sheriff, and it just sounded halariouse !then i remembered the stuff you told kaitlyn and i and i started cracking up.
Ew its a school night and my dad says i must go to sleep, sorry. i hope you get better soon , im starting to REALLY suck at math .its not the same with the Saint ! haha, no seriously though. cant wait to see you infront of the 555 math board, we can make it better. good luck coach. miss you !

m.raquelx said...


i hope you like the cookies =].
it was nice to finally see you again after exams and everything.
hopefully sometime soon we'll see you back in class messing with dearborn.
well im not sure but my parents agreed to take me to visit you again pretty soon.
im stoked. westton was supposed to come with me but things happen and he couldn't, but he says hi. i ran into tony v. on friday and he was talking about visiting you with the sheriff, and it just sounded halariouse !then i remembered the stuff you told kaitlyn and i and i started cracking up.
Ew its a school night and my dad says i must go to sleep, sorry. i hope you get better soon , im starting to REALLY suck at math .its not the same with the Saint ! haha, no seriously though. cant wait to see you infront of the 555 math board, we can make it better. good luck coach. miss you !

m.raquelx said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
m.raquelx said...


i hope you like the cookies =].
it was nice to finally see you again after exams and everything.
hopefully sometime soon we'll see you back in class messing with dearborn.
well im not sure but my parents agreed to take me to visit you again pretty soon.
im stoked. westton was supposed to come with me but things happen and he couldn't, but he says hi. i ran into tony v. on friday and he was talking about visiting you with the sheriff, and it just sounded halariouse !then i remembered the stuff you told kaitlyn and i and i started cracking up.
Ew its a school night and my dad says i must go to sleep, sorry. i hope you get better soon , im starting to REALLY suck at math .its not the same with the Saint ! haha, no seriously though. cant wait to see you infront of the 555 math board, we can make it better. good luck coach. miss you !

megcope said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you constantly! You will get through this and continue to be one of the most influential people I know. When you feel you dont have the strength, we will be there to carry you through! May your courage, strength and the massive outpouring of love from the community guide you through the healing process. Take Care of You! Meghan & Quinn Copeland

Alex said...

Coach Jones,
You have always been there for me whenever i needed guidance. You taught me the true meaning of hard work and dedication. You were the one who motivated us as a team to come up to the field and work on oour game during the summer. And when we were in the weight room you were always there pushing us. I want to let you know that the team, your family, and your friends will be by your side through your recovery. your in my thoughts and prayers coach and i wish you the best of luck.

Alex Bargnesi

Unknown said...

Hi Coach Jones!

I was saddened when finding out about your accident, but relieved to know that you are ok. My family's thoughts and prayers are with you and we wish you a strong recovery! I am moving back to the area and will stop in to visit soon. God Bless...

Courtney Pace

thatweirdguyatschool said...

Hey Coach Jones. Its Nick H. from your (and yes it is still your postition far as im concerned)3B math class.I just wanted to tell you that i know exactly how you feel right now. Trust me i was told that i shoulda been dead 5 yrs ago. (but screw doctors what heck do they know) But anyways if i can defie a doctor that told me i was supposed to be dead years ago then i sure as hell know you can walk again.Caoch Jones you will prevail and make it back to kellam.

God Speed Coach

God Bless you and your family
Nick H.

Unknown said...

thanks mrs leebrick for all of your time, support, etc. to my family, and our ball club

Unknown said...

Bargnesi fam: thanks so much for your support please continue the me, they are working

Unknown said...

coach worst: it was so nice to see you at the hospital...and by the way, you just missed coach booth hahaha. man i love you and i appreciate all of your advice and helping with my struggles as i try help some of the baseball players

Unknown said...

hi shannon: cant wait to see you againg and i hope college is going well. everyday is your birthday at the mexican joint. snapping fingers

Unknown said...

sommer: hope things are well and i miss you guys. take care and i will see you on the diamond