Thursday, January 24, 2008

To Leave a Comment

Looks like we are off to a good start--- I know a number of Kellam staff stopped by the hospital today and Coach is in great spirits. He is looking forward to the move from ICU to his room on the rehab floor. And guests are quite welcome.

Every post has a comment key at the bottom. Just click there and leave your comments---it is fast and easy.


Sberb said...


I hear you are getting better and being the same old coach every one knows and loves..the whole class can't wait for your return its not the same with out you!!!

stay strong and we will be waiting for you on the feild :)

Best Wishes,Stephanie Berberich

BTRipp said...

how are you Coach Jones! i dnt think you know me sir, but i do kno you. My name is Brandon Tripp and i am a student athelete at landstown high school, and i just want to wish you the best! it may seem odd that someone like me goin to my school would do this, but you sir getting healthy and back on your feet for us ALL much more important! i jus wanted to tell you, that i have told my family about your situation, and we are praying that you will be ok. indeed i do believe you will be sir. i have herd from my friends of how a wonderful person you are, and how a wonderful coach you are..i for one dnt doubt that at all sir. everyone tells me how you light up a room when you are in i just wanted to let you know that you have my prayers, and warm embrace inside. wish you the best coach jones! take care and god bless!

A friend,

Brandon Tripp

teamunknownfactor said...

coach Jones
whats up man, i am hoping you get better and better each day and praying you get better as soon as it can be done man, you are in my preayers and on my mind everyday man and get better soon man. your friend from Princess ann rec center Dennis Ganenko

megcope said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you constantly! You will get through this and continue to be one of the most influential people I know. When you feel you dont have the strength, we will be there to carry you through! May your courage, strength and the massive outpouring of love from the community guide you through the healing process. Take Care of You! Meghan & Quinn Copeland

Anonymous said...

Hi St. Clair. I just wanted you to know you have lots of prayers coming from Williamsburg! Though it has been years since I have seen you, I am not surprised to hear that you are as loved and admired now as you were back in the good old days at Great Bridge High School. I can still see you and Henry and Kevin and Scott and Roland ruling the halls of the high school and the baseball diamond. What terrific memories. I really believe God uses people in different ways and He must have some pretty big plans for you. I can't help but think of one of my favorite verses, 1 Corinthians 2:9, "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him." It is evident that you inspire many people, young and old. Keep swinging for the fences, Coach Jones!! I'm cheering for you!
Love, Krissy Tansky Vick, GBHS '89

Anonymous said...

Hi Coach Jones! I hope you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery! I know you have a ton of people in your corner! Best wishes from N.Y.C.!

Melissa Maher

juice said...

St. Clair,

It has been many years coach since the last time I have seen or spoke to you. Thoughts and prayers are with my family daily for a steady and strong recovery for you. One of the many things we all know is how strong willed you are and I know you will battle back as fast as possible. Best wishes

Tommy Weston and family

Classy Cavalier said...

Coach Jones,

Just wanted to take a second and let you know that you are in my thoughts and in my prayers; you were always so kind to me at GBHS (I went to school with you) and I never forget your awesome smile and great attitude!

You're a stud and I know that you'll overcome any obstacle in your path.

Todd Haines